
The tree outside my house has stood patiently, in one spot, for maybe 50 years or more. Roots deeply entrenched into the ground, he knows that all will come. After 50 years of stillness and everything he needs being delivered to his feet, he has no reason to believe otherwise. I, however, am not 50, and I have little tried and can attest to the level of patience exhibited by my loyal and sturdy friend. So I am erratic, and get delivered very little.

Nature has many lessons to show us if we would only look and see.

Is there anything as erratic as I with the might of a stationary tree? I think not..

I watch the avocados being ripened by the engine of nature.. becoming plump and black. When the time is right for dropping, they do so, all as if to the tick of some universal clock, heeding only to divine timing. Ahh, so patience, and stillness grew the mighty oak and timing delivered the perfected fruit to the earth below. What might applying these virtues bring me?

Quitting is fear, I’m told. It is not the business of the warrior. It is not in his domain.

He stays. He transforms. Unaffected by this circumstance or the next – all that surrounds him comes to perfect fruition in the fields of his stillness and by the nourishment of his patience.

Undeterred by outcome and always properly situated, he completes. The warrior then allows the next step to present itself, graciously accepts (or rejects) and humbly stays or steps away. He is weatherproof.

Artwork by Mikael Aldo